
Monday, October 27, 2014

'Loose Change' open to your work now


Loose Change, a journal of new writing from the WonderRoot Center for Arts and Social Change in Atlanta, is relaunching in January with work by Charles Alexander, Eric Baus, Pam Brown, Bhanu Kapil, Douglas A. Martin, Miranda Mellis, Simon Perchik, Deborah Poe, Joanna Ruocco, and Keith Waldrop, among others, and is still accepting submissions of previously unpublished work through November 15. 
We are especially interested in receiving more submissions of innovative prose and submissions in all categories (poetry, fiction, lyric essay, plays/libretti, and hybrid) for our special portfolio, “Sexted Up—Wording In—Gen(d)re Qweery,” to be included inside the general, non-themed issue.
We are interested in work that comes out of various traditions to move them forward, break them apart, reinvent or explode them. We want familiar modes made new and strange forms that renew us. Please review our submission guidelines before sending your work. We only accept electronic submissions through our submissions manager.

Loose Change on the Wor(l)d! Submit your challenging and ambitious best by November 15.

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