
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize for New and Emerging Poets

Poetry Prize guidelines

Malcolm Robertson Foundation logo

The Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize for New and Emerging Poets is proudly sponsored by the Malcolm Robertson Foundation

Major prize: $6000
Second prize: $2000
Third prize: $1000
The judge for the 2014 competition is Overland poetry editor, Peter Minter.
Competition closes midnight, Saturday 15 November 2014. Winners will be announced inOverland 218, autumn 2015.

Entry conditions
  1. The award is open to poets who have not yet had a solo collection of their work commercially published: that is, by a publishing house with commercial distribution.
  2. Entrants must be Australian citizens (living anywhere) or permanent residents.
  3. Poems must be unpublished (including online) and not under consideration by other publishers.
  4. Poems that have won or are under consideration in other competitions are not eligible.
  5. Selection will be made by Overland’s poetry editor, Peter Minter.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final.
  7. The winning poem will be published in Overland.
  8. All submitted poems may be considered for publication in Overland.
  9. Entries must be submitted electronically via the Overland submittable system.
  10. An entry fee of $12 for Overland subscribers and $18 for non-subscribers will be charged. It is possible to become a subscriber and simultaneously enter the competition at a special price of $56.
  11. The name of the poet must not appear on the manuscript (including the header or footer) since all poems will be considered anonymously.
  12. Poems must be no more than 80 lines.
  13. Multiple entries are permitted, though a separate fee applies to each poem.
  14. The competition closes on midnight, Saturday 15 November 2014.
  15. Winners will be announced in March 2015. Subscribe to the Overland email bulletin to receive announcements as to the results.
  16. The major prize is $6000, second prize is $2000 and third prize is $1000.
  17. Please ensure you are satisfied with your poem before submtting. Poems that are withdrawn and subsequently resubmitted will incur a second fee.
Enter the 2014 Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize.

Overland literary journal

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