
Sunday, February 01, 2015

CORDITE REVIEW - News and Submission Facts

Christian Thompson | Conjure by Moon | & | Rocks on Your Belly | 2013 | Pagan Sun series
Wagu. Tofu. Trout. No Spam. Easy to unsubscribe to this list below if you want.
(we only send out notices of issue launches and submission openings)
Tracy Ryan

‘Obsolete’ can only be neutral or pejorative; it is never a compliment. Even those who value the old, the superseded object or mode, are reinstating it so as to deny that the object or mode is obsolete. I can still use it.
John Tranter

It's summer in Australia.
There is no theme for this issue.
Send in good, new work.
51.1: UMAMI
Luke Davies with The Lifted Brow

We're seeking flash-fiction and poetry.
The fifth category of taste ...
and all its binaries. Yours too.
Issues coming up in 2015 and 2016 ...
TRANSTASMAN with Bonny Cassidy
TOIL with Carol Jenkins
THE END with Pam Brown
NO THEME V with Bronwyn Lea
THE FRENCH with Dan Disney
with Keri Glastonbury

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