
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Donate to Doctors Without Borders

Responding To Medical Emergencies    

Dear Friend,

With escalating violence and instability in many countries where we work, our resources are being stretched to the limit.

Médecins Sans Frontières’ field teams in Yemen, Syria, Gaza and South Sudan have set up mobile clinics to provide internally displaced families with access to expert medical care.

Our teams are providing emergency surgeries to patients affected by conflict and delivering psychosocial care in the aftermath of trauma.

When the Ebola outbreak occurred in West Africa, we were ready and able to send emergency response teams to treat patients and help contain the spread.

And we were able to respond quickly to natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and, more recently, the devastating earthquakes in Nepal.

But we need your help. Please send a gift today so we can continue to deliver emergency medical assistance to patients when they need it most.
Your generous gift will help Médecins Sans Frontières keep operating where other organisations cannot - whether we’re treating mothers and babies, patients suffering from deadly diseases and other medical emergencies, or people devastated by war or natural disasters.

Within days of the first earthquake in Nepal, more than 80 tonnes of cargo sent from Médecins Sans Frontières’ warehouses arrived in Kathmandu, including equipment to construct an inflatable field hospital.

Our teams are running mobile clinics by helicopter, visiting remote villages in the mountains north of Kathmandu to provide consultations and distribute tonnes of shelters, hygiene materials and cooking equipment. With the monsoon season approaching, we’re worried that the window of opportunity to reach people in these areas is rapidly closing.

Please donate today so we can continue to provide medical humanitarian aid to people in desperate need of our care and respond quickly to emergencies like the recent earthquakes in Nepal.

Warm regards, 
Paul McPhun
Executive Director
Médecins Sans Frontières Australia

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