
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Short Story Writers Competition

Geelong Writers  Short Story Competition 

DUE Date – September 30th, 2015
Email entries to –
1st Prize $ 150; 2nd Prize $ 100: 3rd Prize $ 50
7 Honourable mentions - will get priority offers for publication in Anthology
  1. Only 1 submission per author.
  2. Fiction of any genre e.g. science fiction, contemporary, historical, romance, 'true' stories from your life experience
  3. The story to perhaps include a twist of events in some way

Form of Submissions - for blind judging

The story as attachment in "Word' without your name etc.
Separate attachment for contact details page including name, email, address and phone number and Author Biography of about 100 words (see note below).
Page Layout
Times New Roman:Size 12; Single Spacing
Paragraphs - Left aligned; first line indented
Word Limit
Melissa, the Anthology, Editor wants a 1500 word limit for the Anthology as that allows more stories to be published and is reader friendly.
So for competition limit is 1500 words!

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