
Thursday, October 29, 2015

2015 T S Eliot Prize shortlist

The 2015 Shortlist

The Poetry Book Society is delighted to announce a distinguished international shortlist for the 2015 T S Eliot Prize, with one poet from the US, one from Jamaica, one from Australia, two Scots, four previous winners and two first collections.

Judges Pascale Petit (Chair), Kei Miller and Ahren Warner have unanimously chosen the shortlist from a record 142 books submitted by publishers:

Mark Doty - Deep Lane (Cape Poetry)
Tracey Herd - Not in this World (Bloodaxe)
Selima Hill - Jutland (Bloodaxe)
Sarah Howe - Loop of Jade (Chatto & Windus)
Tim Liardet - The World Before Snow (Carcanet)
Les Murray - Waiting for the Past (Carcanet)
Sean O'Brien - The Beautiful Librarians (Picador)
Don Paterson - 40 Sonnets (Faber)
Rebecca Perry - Beauty/Beauty (Bloodaxe)
Claudia Rankine - Citizen: An American Lyric (Penguin)

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