
Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Opportunities from West Australian Poetry Inc Newsletter

The Tom Collins Poetry Prize
The Tom Collins Poetry Prize is an annual competition inaugurated by FAWWA in 1975 in memory of Australian author Joseph Furphy (1843 - 1912) who wrote as Tom Collins. Number of Lines: Maximum 60 lines per poem.Closing Date: 15th December 2015 .Send in with a copy of your poetry submissions to Fellowship of Australian Writers WA to FAWWA Competition SecretaryPO Box 6180Swanbourne WA 6910 or Email
Short and Twisted
Short and Twisted, an anthology of short stories and poetry with a twist at the end, is seeking submissions of short fiction up to 2,000 words, poetry and images for the 2016 issue. Deadline Thursday 31 December 2015.
Adelaide Plains Poets Inc Poetry Competition 2015/16
Submissions are now open for the Adelaide Plains Poets Inc Poetry Competition. This year's theme is 'Transitions.' Poems must be no longer than 60 lines. There is an open class section for over 18 years old and junior classes for primary and secondary school students. Prizes are awarded for first, second and third places. Closing 29 January 2016
Eyre Writers Literary Awards 2016
Eyre Writers Inc. invites you to enter their annual Literary Awards, open to all Australian citizens. There are awards for following categories: Tom Black Memorial Award for a rhyming poem on any theme, limit 50 lines; Eyre Writers Award for a non-rhyming poem on any theme, limit 50 lines; Eyre Travel Short Story Award for a short story on any theme, limit 1500 words; Land and Sea Award for fact, fiction, or essay, on an Australian rural or maritime theme, limit 1500 words. First Place in each category receives a cash prize. Closing 31 January 2016
Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Competition 2016
The Rotary Club of Orange is launching the Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Competition for 2016. This competition is open to all poets to recite their original poetry on Saturday 20 February as a signature event during the 2016 Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival in Orange NSW.
Closing 12 February 2016
Griffith University Josephine Ulrick Literature & Poetry Prizes
Among the richest poetry and short story prizes in the world, the Griffith University Josephine Ulrick prizes in 2016 are worth $30,000 in total prize money. Literature Prize for a short story up to 2000 words: first prize $10,000. Poetry Prize for a poem up to 100 lines: first prize $10,000.
Sonnet Competition
The Shakespeare Club of Western Australia is sponsoring a sonnet-writing competition. Write your own sonnet is open to secondary students and adults. We invite all poets, amateur and professional, experienced or first-timers, to exercise their imaginations in a 14-line poem in the Shakespearean pattern. Writers may choose any theme with a Western Australian link. Your sonnet can be comic, serious, satirical, romantic or what you will. Prizes will be awarded in both categories. First: $300; second: $200; third: $100. All entries must be received by 1st March 2016 All information relating to competition rules and guidelines is available at:
2016 Ethel Webb Bundell Literary Awards now open
The Society of Women Writers WA has launched the 2016 Ethel Webb Bundell Literary Awards for poetry and short stories. There is no set theme and both categories are open to all writers. Poems may be in any style, up to 100 lines. Short stories are not to exceed 4,000 words. The closing date for entries is 31 March 2016 Guidelines and entry forms are available from the Society's website For further information, call 0415 840 031, or email
Call for submissions : Las Americas
Azuria is an independent journal published by Geelong Writers inc. in the early months of each year. .You are invited to submit essays, poems and short stories in response to the theme LAS AMERICAS for the next edition. Let us (re)discover and translate poets from Québec & México & Chile, find tales of travelling through the Andes and Mayan jungles, conduct interviews with American writers living in Geelong. Let us write about how we consider those ancient and new societies, and their literatures, and especially their impact upon our lives, and read accounts from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to cc: with the annotation “Submission_Surname_Azuria#5” [i.e., your surname] in the subject line. Please attach work as an MSWORD *.doc or *.docx file, and any images should be set in JPG format. Address the e-mail to: The Editorial Group / Azuria / Geelong Writers inc., including a concise 50 - 70 word literary biography, along with contact and postal information in the body of the e-mail.
MacGuffin - digital literature platform
MacGuffin hosts short stories and poetry in text and audio form. Anyone can upload a poem or short story, so long as they also upload a reading along with the text. This doesn't have to be professionally recorded (and in fact, many of our favourite poems and stories on MacGuffin have a homemade feel - recorded on a smartphone, with birdsong in the background, or a dog barking somewhere).

Call for Submissions P3
P3 (Poetry. Plays. Prose) aims to showcase the creative writing of Western Australians of all ages and backgrounds. Our team aims to adopt an all- inclusive approach. We would like to see work from writers at all levels. P3 is currently 100% privately funded, with advertising revenue subsidising publication costs. Kim Sanders Pty Ltd Publishing is calling for original creative writing submissions up to 4000 words in length for their quarterly publication. An annual prize pool worth $2,000. Kim Sanders Pty Ltd Publishing Mobile: 0428 166 515 Post: PO Box 1594, Wangara WA
6065 Email:

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