
Friday, December 04, 2015

Woolworths 12,000 Pokies People


Woolworths' poker machines use deceptive design tricks to con Australians into addiction, but their executives are doing their best to ignore the revelations.

That's why GetUp members caused a stir last week at the Woolworths Annual General Meeting. We got our special 'Woolworths: Gambling with Lives' Green Bags into the hands of shareholders and delivered our 51,000-strong petition to Woolworths' Company Secretary.

And in response? Not a peep.

Woolworths trades daily on its supposed family values, while its 12,000 poker machines devastate Australian families. And now, despite 51,000 Australians calling out this hypocrisy, Woolworths is refusing to front up.

But Woolworths just copped a hiding from cranky shareholders and journalists last week over its growing loss of customers. So the last thing they need right now is thousands of disgruntled shoppers flooding customer service, demanding answers about their questionable poker machine investments.

Click here to write to Woolworths now and get some answers.

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