
Friday, January 08, 2016


Calling literary, film, music, theatre and visual arts critics, students and other interested parties!
As part of the effort to keep Rochford Street Review afloat I am looking to bring on board some associate editors to help with the day to day running of the journal and to help, if possible, take it to the next level. I also have a number of projects outside of RSR which I need to devote some time to.
I see the associate editors assisting in:
  • identifying books, exhibitions, films, theatre and other events to be covered and assisting in lining up reviewers. While I have been able to cover books to an almost adequate level our coverage of other areas of the arts has been patchy and a lot of work that deserved to be covered has been missed.
  • Assisting in the editing, markup and publishing of reviews and articles. Rochford Street Review uses Word Press so it is not necessary to have HTML skills (though it doesn't hurt) and I can walk you through the process of creating and publishing reviews.
  • It would be great to have someone concentrating on fund-raising and advertising. While we currently bring in a small amount of cash through donations and supporting subscriptions, it isn't enough to cover day to day running costs such as Word Press fees, postage and continuing to offer a token payment to reviewers. Any extra funds raised through targeted advertising or other strategies would help us to continue and maybe increase the amount we can pay to writers.
  • Being based in Sydney it is difficult to avoid being Sydney-centric to a point. It would be great to have people based around Australia and internationally to ensure the journal has better coverage.
Given the lack of funding available to the journal these positions will not be paid positions, though any reviews or articles produced would, of course, attract the same token payment as other reviewers.
If you are interested in becoming involved please contact me - contact details are available at

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