
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Geelong Memoir Competition DUE 30TH aPRIL

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Reminder: Saturday 30th April Cut-off Date!

Geelong Writers Memoir Competition – 1500 words

DUE – April 30th, 2016.
Email entries to –
PRIZES: 1st Prize $ 100; 2nd Prize $ 80; 3rd Prize $ 60
&  7 Honourable mentions
All stories selected will be offered publication in the 2016 anthology. Some light editing may be applied.
No Entry Fee
However, we do encourage you to be on our mailing list
(follow the link)
  1. Only 1 submission per author.
  2. Memoir writing genre (open theme)
  3. Suitable for any age group e.g. children, young adult, adult.
Guidelines for submission
  • Microsoft Word submission must not have any identifying features apart from the title.
  • Separate attachment for contact details page including email, address and phone number. OPTIONALTO INCLUDE - 120 word Biography. To be published in anthology if selected. Can include links.
Page Layout
Times New Roman; Size 12; Single Spacing
Word Limit
1500 words or as close to as possible. DO NOT GO OVER. You will void your submission. Word count does not include the title.

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