
Monday, May 16, 2016


Help Save Meanjin

By now you will probably have heard the rather sobering news that Meanjin’s application for four-year funding from the Australia Council has been rejected.
This is serious.
Meanjin has enjoyed some measure of Commonwealth support since 1961, with contributions from the Australia Council since 1974.
Until this latest round of grants, Meanjin was considered one of the Australia Council’s key organisations. Under the new four-year funding regime, Meanjin had applied for an increase in its annual funding from $62,000 a year to $95,000. The numbers aren’t huge.
The search for new funding avenues continues. Meanjin enjoys the support of the University of Melbourne, and benefits greatly from its enduring association with Melbourne University Publishing.
All that said, the hard fact is that without a new source of funds, Meanjin’s 76th year of publication may well be its last.
In the days since the Australia Council decision we have been heartened by the messages of encouragement from readers and supporters of Meanjin. Some have suggested that we embark on a crowdfunding program.
We agree.
Meanjin June 2016Happily a crowdfunding model for Meanjin already exists: subscription.
A payment of $80 will help secure the future of this magazine, and it will also see the next four Meanjins delivered to you door.
There has never been a better time to subscribe to one of Australia’s leading magazines of literature and ideas … never better, and never more important.
Subscribe to Meanjin

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