
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Poems of Basil Bunting





Thrilled to be able to announce the publication  (publication-date is June 16 ) of a new edition of The Poems of Basil Bunting, lovingly and attentively edited by Poetry magazine editor, Don Share.
"This is the first critical edition of the complete poems, and offers an accurate text with variants from all printed sources".  

Share, "annotates Bunting's often complex and allusive verse",  Faber and Faber, the publishers, note, "with much illuminating quotation from his prose writings, interviews and correspondence. He also examines Bunting's use of sources (including Persian literature and classical mythology), and explores the Northumbrian roots of Bunting's poetic vocabulary and use of dialect."

Basil Bunting - it's his year -  This year (as we've previously noted), 2016, marks the 50th anniversary of his masterly achievement "Briggflatts"
Tom Pickard's note on that, (published, earlier this year, in Poetry magazine, can be readily accessed - here)

Alex Niven, another of the Briggflatts-anniversary organizers, may be heard speaking on Bunting - here (that recording also includes an audio treat - Bunting reading the "Coda" from "Briggflatts"  ("A strong song tows/us, long earsick.."))

Further recordings (a considerable number of further recordings) of Bunting may be listened to - here

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