
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Calls for submissions for the New Shoots Poetry Prizes


by Zalehah Turner

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Calls for submissions for the New Shoots Poetry Prize 2016 and the New Shoots Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Poetry Prize 2016
We want your plant inspired poetry!
The Red Room Company, Rochford Street Review and Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney call for submissions for the New Shoots Poetry Prize 2016 and the New Shoots Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Poetry Prize 2016. All poems must be previously unpublished, no more than 100 lines in length or 3-5 minutes of audio or video media and on the theme of plants. Poems to be considered for the New Shoots Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Poetry Prize 2016 must relate specifically to plants in the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney. Submissions to either prize must include the full name of the poetry prize in the subject line of the email or in capitals on the top of the cover letter, if applying by post. All submissions must be received no later than, 12pm 31 October 2016.
One winner and one Highly Commended poem will be chosen for each prize. The winners and the Highly Commended poems, in both categories, will be published online in issue 20 of Rochford Street Review and on The Red Room Company website. All submissions will be published on the New Shoots Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney website*.
As well as publication, the winners will receive a Corban & Blair Fernery journal and a poetry anthology from Puncher and Wattmann. The Highly Commended poets will also receive a Red Room Company Unlocked anthology of poems and New Shoots seed pack.
The Red Room Company and Rochford Street Review encourage a diversity of voices, expression and poetic forms. We welcome all poets, emerging, established or just beginning a poetic journey and poems in any medium. However, while we encourage an open format, the submission must be considered to be poetry by the judges and the judges retain the right to disqualify a poem if it does not meet this criteria.

Selection panel: Dr Tamryn Bennet, Director of The Red Room Company and Zalehah Turner, Associate Editor of Rochford Street Review
Plant a seed of inspiration in your mind’s eye and let it grow into a poem

Winners to be announced 1 December 2016
and will be notified by email or post where an email has not been provided.
The New Shoots Poetry Prize 2016 is committed to encouraging entrants inspired by plants throughout Australia. However, The Red Room Company and Rochford Street Review would also like to encourage poets inspired by plants in the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney. No preference is given to either theme or prize.
If you have already submitted plant inspired poems to The Red Room Company and wish them to be considered for either prize please email
* poems for the RBG must be suitable for a public site.

Submission Guidelines:

1. All poems must be on the theme of plants.
2. Only site specific poems relating to the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney will be considered for the New Shoots Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Poetry Prize 2016.
3. Entrants must be residents of Australia and 18 years or over at the time of submission.
4. The poem must be the entrant’s original work.
5. The poem must be unpublished and remain so until, 1 January 2017 after the winning poems have been published.
6. The poem must not exceed 100 lines in length if page poetry.
7. The poem must be 3 to 5mins if an audio or digital video recording.
8. Audio recordings of slam, performance or spoken word poetry must be MP3s.
9. Digital video recordings should be compressed in to a zip file and attached to an email. Use Drobox if necessary.
10. As the poems are to be judged anonymously, the poet’s name must NOT be written anywhere on the page or file containing the poem. However, all poems must be accompanied by a cover letter containing the poet’s name and current contact details.
11. The poem should be a Word document, in Times New Roman font, 12pt font size, single line spacing.
12. All poems to be considered for submission must have a cover letter with the name and contact details of the poet including, a phone number, an email address and a current postal address.
13. All submissions must also include a bio of 50 words and a photo of the poet.
14. All submitting poets are encouraged to take a photo of themselves surrounded or next to the plant or tree that inspired them. However, this is not an essential requirement for submission.
15. The subject line of the email or headline in the cover letter for postal submissions MUST include the name of prize the entrant wishes the poems to be considered for:
a) for GENERAL plant inspired poems, the subject line or heading MUST contain the words NEW SHOOTS POETRY PRIZE 2016 in capitals.
b) for site SPECIFIC Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney plant inspired poems, the subject line or heading MUST include the words: NEW SHOOTS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN SYDNEY POETRY PRIZE 2016 in capitals.
16. Entrants can submit either by email with the name of the prize in the subject line addressed to or by post addressed to
The Red Room Company,
PO Box 1105,
Surry Hills,
NSW 2010
17. Poets are allowed to submit up to three poems for either prize. Each poem must be attached as a separate document or file. DO NOT include all the poems in one document.
18. The judges’ decision is final.
19. Copyright will remain with the authors.
20. Submissions must be received by 12pm 31 October 2016 or post marked no later than, 19 October 2016.

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