
Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Ron Pretty Poetry Prize
Submissions for the 2016 Ron Pretty Poetry Prize are now open!

First Prize: $5000
Second Prize: $1500
Third Prize: $750

The prize will be awarded to a single poem of up to 30 lines, and is open to anyone over the age of 18 years, including overseas applicants.
Entry fee is $25 for the first poem and $10 for subsequent poems. There are no limits on entries. Online submissions only.
Judge: Ron Pretty
Opening Date: 15 July 2016
Closing Date: 22 November 2016

The long list will now be announced on 21 January 2017
The short list will be announced on 31 January 2017
The prize winner will be announced at an event on 3 March 2017

Enquiries should be directed to:
Read more:
Sonnet Writing Competition now open!
This year is the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, and like other Shakespeare lovers worldwide, the Shakespeare Club of Western Australia plans a celebration of the bard's life.


We are going to commemorate with a sonnet-writing competition for adults and secondary school students, open to would-be writers and experienced poets alike.

 Adult Category: The Competition is open to any Australian Resident (excepting members of the Shakespeare Club of WA): 1st Prize: $300; 2nd Prize: $200; 3rd Prize: $100
Entrants will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony in Perth.

Competition Rules

1.   Sonnet entries must be accompanied by an Entry Form and must be submitted by post to Shakespeare Club of WA, PO Box 100, Mt Hawthorn, WA 6915. 

2.    In the Student Category there is an entry fee of $5 per sonnet entry. In the Adult Category the entry fee is $10 per sonnet entry. Payment may be made by cheque, Money Order or by Bank Transfer. Entries received without payment will be excluded from the Competition. Entry fees are not refundable.
3.    Entrants may submit more than one but no more than three sonnet entries. Each entry must be on a separate sheet of paper and must not include any information that might identify the entrant.

 4.    Deadline: All entries must be received by September 23, 2016. r Entries received after that date will not be accepted.
5.    The identity of entrants will not be known by the Panel of Judges. The decision of the Panel of Judges will be final. The n the Prizes are awarded.
6.   The Composition Guidelines form part of the Competition Rules. By entering the Competition, entrants agree to the Competition Rules.
7.   The Shakespeare Club of Western Australia reserves the right to publish any entry. Winners will be announced online at: agree to allow their names to be published; at the Awards Ceremony photographs may be taken for publication.



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