Website easily found: google Caselberg Poetry, from which I copy this:
Landfall is NZ's oldest literary quarterly, and well designed)
Judged by
Bernadette HallFirst prize, $500, Second prize $250, plus 5 Highly-commended (no monetary prizes).
The first- and second-placed poems will be published in the May 2011 issue of
Landfall, and all winning and highly-commended entries will be published on the Caselberg Trust web-site (copyright remains with the authors).
Conditions of Entry1. Poems must be the original work of the entrant, previously unpublished, and not submitted elsewhere.
2. Limit of 40 lines per poem.
3. Entry fee: $5 for one poem, or $10 for up to three poems from any one entrant.
4. Entries must be typed, double-spaced, on one side of A4 paper.
5. Any style or subject will be considered.
6. The poet¹s name must not appear on the manuscript. Please fill out the entry form provided and send it in with your poem(s).
7. Entries must be submitted by post to Å’Caselberg Poetry Prize, PO Box 71, Portobello, Dunedin 9048, NZ¹, to arrive not later than 31 January 2011.
8. The entry fee should be enclosed, preferably by cheque made out to Å’the Caselberg Trust¹ for $5 or $10 (or its NZ equivalent if entering from overseas); notes also acceptable.
9. Please enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope if you want a receipt, or if you would like to receive a copy of the Judge¹s report in due course.
10. Winners only will be notified of their success.
11. The Judge¹s decisions will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Cut here....................................Cut here.................................
(Please print clearly. Thank you.)
Your Name....................................................
Phone No....................
Title(s) or first line(s) of Poem(s):