
Friday, March 31, 2006

How to Get a Poem a Day for April from Knopf

Send a blank email to

It's Poetry Month in USA, so Knopf, publisher of some fine poets, is sending out a poem a day to subscribers ... & it is FREE.

Not only that, but each way looks like it is going to have a Broadsheet to download from each poet.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Live and Become - great film!

The Perth International Film Festival is just about to wind-up for 2006, so you must hurry if you are to see a very moving and life-affirming move called 'Live and Become' (English translation). I knew little about this movie before going to see it with my daughter - but it captured us and gave us lots to think about and talk about afterwards. We live such easy lives here in Australia - well, us healthy middle-class people do - that it is often easy to forget how troubled other lives in the world are. This film about an Ethiopian refugee boy, his mother, and his adoptive family in Israel, works on so many levels that the 2.5 hours of its footage goes without a blink. There's more at but the stills do not provide the mood and impact of the film at all. I urge you, if you're within the vicinity, to go and see this movie this week at the Somerville Auditorium at UWA, or next week at the Joondalup Pines.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Continuations by Douglas Barbour and Sheila Murphy

From the University of Alberta Press website:

Douglas Barbour, Sheila E. Murphy

“The strength of this book is in its quick-change artistry, the sensation of flux that is continuous, and capable at any moment of erupting into epiphany or surprise.” Roo Borson
Across great distances and a panorama shaped by words, poets Douglas Barbour and Sheila Murphy began writing in collaboration. Tapped to technology’s dance across paper, with thoughts like bright colours coursing across screens, Continuations emerged as the product of a new creator, a “third individual,” who writes differently from either poet. Words shapeshifted and poets transformed, Continuations is an intriguing addition to the growing field of collaborative poetry in North American literature.
ISBN: 0-88864-463-9
Price: CND$ 19.95, USD$ 19.95, £ 10.99
Discount: Trade
Subject: Literature/Poetry
Publication Date: March 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ian Hamilton Finlay RIP

Ian Hamilton Finlay died this morning (as it was reported across the world). He always intriqued me and early on was one of the most interesting of 'concrete poets'.

Jacket 15 had a Feature on him so if you'd like to know more, go to

Monday, March 20, 2006

Te Deum by Charles Reznikoff

Not because of victories
I sing,
having none,
but for the common sunshine,
the breeze,
the largess of the spring.

Not for victory
but for the day’s work done
as well as I was able;
not for a seat upon the dais
but at the common table

The Poems of Charles Reznikoff:1918-1975,
ed. Seamus Cooney
(Boston: Black Sparrow/David Godine, 2005)

Downstream Anthology -Submission details

DownStream is a collection of poetry, stories and photography from people who use and love the Swan River. It is an opportunity to express your concerns for the Swan, share your memories, tell what the river means to you and your hopes for its future. DownStream will be launched at a River Festival in September 2006.

Submission Guidelines:

2500 words or less for prose
80 lines max per poem
maximum of 5 entries per person in any combination of poetry, prose or photography.
Entries are to be typed, preferably double spaced, and sent via email only, in main body of email text, not as an attachment.
Photographs to be sent as low res jpeg, 300k max.

Submissions close on 1st July 2006

Please include your name and contact number with all submissions.
Only material relevant to the topic and location with be considered for publication.

Please forward submissions and enquiries to [1]

This information comes from

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Amazing photo of the Moon and the Sun and the North Pole.

Send to me by Patrick Speed. Thanks Patrick. Sadly, I don't know who took it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cordite Call for Submissions

Call for submissions

Cordite Poetry Review seeks submissions of poetry for its 24th issue:

Please note the following submission guidelines:
Send email submissions only;
Please send up to five poems in the body of the email;
Include a biography.

For Cordite's email address visit our website or see below.

Our guest poetry editor for this issue is Claire Gaskin.

Thanks to the funding of the Australia Council for the Arts,
we are able to offer the following rates of payment for Australian contributors:
POEMS: $60
AUDIO: $30

Cordite #24 will appear online in July 2006.

Issue #25 (on a theme yet to be announced) will appear online in December 2006.
Visit our blog or consider subscribing to our email alerts.

David Prater
Editor, Cordite Poetry Review
Words are bullets

More Wedding Photos :-)

My daughter, Alice Burke; my wife Jeanette and myself; my grand-children, Leia (flowergirl) and Davis (ring bearer), at the actual ceremony with celebrant Patrick Speed - at the Rose & Crown historic pub in Guildford. Photos by Abbe Harman

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Marriage of Andrew & Jeanette, 4 March 2006

Lots and lots of brilliant photos by Abbe Harman -

More at

Some technical glitch has saved you from the other hundred or so, but I'm working on it :-)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

New Adamson book out - in America

The Goldfinches of Baghdad
by Robert Adamson

Flood Editions, Chicago, USA (2006)
Cover illustration by Garry Shead
104 pages, paperback, ISBN 0 9746902 8 7

Order direct from Flood Editions

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Poets & Writers magazine

Poets & Writers magazine is not the world's greatest magazine. However, their site does have interesting articles and audio clips to listen to, so here's their address: It's for when you are not writing but would like to know more about writing and publishing.

Oulipo Condendium

Such creative people in this world! I have always said 'all literature is a game' - sometimes easy, sometimes difficult - and now here is a conpendium of 333 pages of the best 'games' to come from the Oulipo group. It's top of my wish list at present ...