
Tuesday, March 06, 2007


TAG (Tom) Hungerford with Alice Nelson

The Board of writingWA is pleased to extend congratulations to Alice Nelson, winner of the 2006 TAG Hungerford Award for her work of fiction entitled In Arcadia.

The Award was announced by Alastair Bryant, Director General of the Department of Culture and the Arts, on Sunday 25 February, at a presentation dinner held at Lamont’s East Perth restaurant.

The TAG Hungerford Award carries a cash prize of $6000 provided by New Edition Bookshop, and a publishing contract with Fremantle Arts Centre Press.

An extract from In Arcadia will be published in The West Australian on Saturday 10 March.

Also shortlisted for the 2006 TAG Hungerford Award were Deb Fitzpatrick and Varnya Bromilow who each received additional cash prizes of $500 contributed by Tom Hungerford in a gesture of appreciation for the quality of their writing.

The 2006 TAG Hungerford Award is sponsored by New Edition Bookshop, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, The West Australian Newspaper, and writingWA.

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