
Monday, March 05, 2007

Tom Collins Poetry Prize 2007 goes to ...

The judge was Fay Zwicky, Highly Commended went to Glen Phillips, and the First Prize went to Murray Jennings. They are pictured on the front verandah of Tom Collins House Writers Centre, by the sea in Swanbourne, Western Australia, just yesterday, 4 March 2007.
It was a very special day for Murray all around because it was his wife Ros's birthday, and their 40th Wedding Anniversary - and he won the prestigious Tom Collins Poetry Prize. Congratulations, Murray and Glen - and Fay, if it comes to that.
The prize is offered by the Fellowship of Australian Writers, WA branch, annually, and is sponsored by the Furphy family in Shepparton, Victoria. The original 'Tom Collins' was the narrator of 'Such Is Life' by Joseph Furthy who built the house in its former location of Servetus Street, before the government put a (necessary) highway through. The house was moved up the hill and around the corner to a picturesque spot among the trees near Alan Park.

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