
Monday, July 28, 2008

David Brooks finds a new (true) voice

A new book from my old friend David Brooks is on the horizon from UQP. I'm excited to see a write-up in the Sydney Morning Herald, from which I quote:

'Now comes The Balcony, a volume of nearly 100 poems, different from everything else he has written, Brooks says.

It is a question of voice, one he has been searching for for a long time.

"I have been struggling, trying to shift myself out of some very old and deeply lodged ideas about how I should write poems. I have been trying to find a new voice - I mean, I didn't know that I was trying to find a new voice, I didn't even know I was lodged in some old ideas of the poem - but now with what has happened with these poems, I at last know that I am speaking as myself.

"I also realise now that at last, after all this time, I am not afraid of speaking as myself. I realise that I hadn't before. But now I know that there is nothing else you can do: you come to a point in your life where you don't worry about how you seem to other people. That is where I am now. That really is a huge relief, getting over yourself. And I am getting over myself at last." '

See the entire article at

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