
Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yesterday, I started tuting in a unit at Edith Cowan University called Creativity & Writing. First major topic was Journal useage and value for a practicing writer. I pulled out notebooks and a journal from my pockets and bag, surprised myself that I carry so much hopeful paper when the love of my life is this laptop and its talents. Old habits die hard.

Then, this morning, long after students have left, I suddenly realize that blogs are a form of journal. Why didn't I realize that yesterday and tell them?! Awk, personal shortcomings are my frustration.

For example take a look at where Stephen Vincent utilises his camera (see photo above off his blog) and his language responses to the images created to create a great dialogue with the reader. A small quote should give you a taste of its flavour:

"Is context everything? No. One lives - or has the opportunity - between zoom and focus, between the microcosm of the particular and the multiple approach of the the broad. Mythology, legend, narrative - no matter how conventional or avant are drawn (created) from the inherrent juxtapositions or coherrences of the picture."

... and elsewhere on his blog, very moving moments with his aged Mum and her words as poetry. Take a look. I will direct students there next week.

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