
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


opposite Allan Park, Swanbourne, Western Australia.

to be launched by NICHOLAS HASLUCK

wine and nibbles

Monday, July 28, 2014

At Brett Whiteley Studio SUNDAY

John Maddox on Kazoo & Bass Guitar

Les Wicks, well-practiced launcher

Andrew Burke, speechless in front of Alchemy

Gabriel & Shalimar Kitson, VIPs

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Book Launched to Happy Throng!

Rosie Lilley and Self at the Launch today of
Thank you to Neil for the fotos.
Thank you to LES WICKS for a deep thought out launch speech
for his very invividual kazoo & bass guitar music!
ANGELA STRETCH held the occasion together
and BRETT WHITELEY painted the back drops.
See a wide range of his Portrait works now at
Brett Whiteley Studio, 2 Raper Street, Surry Hills.

ONE HOUR SEEDS ANOTHER is now available 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Wine! Poets! Song! Art! Sunday in Sydney ...

Bags packed, train ticket in hand, my sights set on Brett Whiteley Studio for Sunday arvo 2pm. 

Les Wicks is tuning up his voice box and the musician is practicing his scales as Angela checks she has the keys. The carousel horses are fed and bedded down ... 

Come join us to celebrate the launching of 'ONE HOUR SEEDS ANOTHER'

Wine! Poets! Song! Art! 

If you can't make it, books are available from COLLECTED WORKS, Melbourne; Hobart Book Shop, Hobart; or online at 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Andrew the Ancient BOOK LAUNCH 2pm SUNDAY at Brett Whiteley Studio


Daniel 7: 9 -10 (Rev)

As I watched, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient One took his throne, his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and flowed out from his presence. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood attending him. The court sat in judgment, and his twelth Collection of Verse was opened.

To be launched by LES WICKS - poet and raconteur
2pm Sunday 27th July at
2 Raper Street, Surry Hills 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

WRIT: New e-magazine seeks Poetry Submissions

WRIT Poetry Review is a new and bold e-magazine aiming to showcase contemporary Australian poetry,  and an emphasis on new and emerging writers. 

We are currently seeking submissions for the first issue. 

Please send three poems and a bio to

Poems may be previously published. 

The submission deadline is September 1st, 2014. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Book Launch Gallery

Kris Hemensley at his counter at Collected Works

Francesca Bussey and friend singing

Andy Jackson launching ONE HOUR SEEDS ANOTHER

Self bragging about my new book 

Fill the bag with local books!

Books available for purchase at
COLLECTED WORKS BOOKSHOP, 37 Swanston Street. Melbourne;
HOBART BOOKSHOP, 22 Salamanca Sq., Hobart;

Sydney Launch at 
2pm 27th July 2014
with LES WICKS officiating

Sunday, July 20, 2014

At yesterday's Book Launch at Collected Works -

Thanks to Tom Fullery for this snap.
And thanks to Andy Jackson for his fine words,
Francesca Bussey for wondrous singing,
Kris and Retta Hemensley for Collected Works,
and for friends and relatives who climbed the stairs.

Books available for purchase at
COLLECTED WORKS BOOKSHOP, 37 Swanston Street. Melbourne;
HOBART BOOKSHOP, 22 Salamanca Sq., Hobart;

2pm 27th July 2014
with LES WICKS officiating

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Book Launch 2pm SATURDAY

In a letter to the author, Andrew Taylor, spoke about One Hour Seeds Another:

William Blake said that ‘when the doors of perception are cleansed, every Thing 

will appear as it is, Holy’. Well, your poetry doesn’t disclose a world that’s 

holy, in Blake’s sense, far from it! But it shows us our world as it is, because 

you see it through doors of perception that are well and truly ‘cleansed’. What 

appears is unexpected, often uncomfortable, even confrontational. But new in 

its freshness of seeing, and wholly devoid of any cynicism or world weariness. 

It makes me feel that I’m experiencing things, no matter how familiar, and often 

unfamiliar, for the first time. And clothed in what Blake would call ‘the Raiment 

of Innocence.’

This SATURDAY from 2pm at COLLECTED WORKS Bookshop, Swanston Street, Melbourne,
there will be wine, poets and song to launch ANDREW BURKE's new collection

To be launched by ANDY JACKSON, poet

To add to the festivities, FRANCESCA BUSSEY and friends will sing and play.

Wines from the Riverina area will be served. 

(Photo of 'poetry for breakfast' by Annamaria Weldon)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Duck Musing - from 'One Hour Seeds Another''

Looking aimlessly, I see everything
until my blood clears and I see ducks
as themselves. I retire to the hut
to catch my breath. Chill night seeps in
the open window but I am loath to
shut it out: the world should be more with us.
As it is, the self-satisfied moon is fat and flamboyant.
I spy Li Bai down by the Murray River, drinking a slab
of VB and writing on his iPad. Silver clouds
back the mirrored pool as ducks surf
wind swept driftwood toward the shore,
beside boat ramp and jetty as they navigate
their wintry waddling waterwise ways.

- Andrew Burke

Sunday, July 13, 2014

2pm SATURDAY book launch at COLLECTED WORKS - Wine! Poets! Song!

  • Walleah Press and the Author are launching 
  • One Hour Seeds Another in Melbourne 
  • 2pm Saturday 19 July at Collected Works 
  • with Andy Jackson (poet) and Franceska Bussey (singer)

a small quote from LYN REEVES Launch speech at Hobart Bookshop, July 3rd 2014
 The poems are infused with humour, irony and playfulness but they touch on weighty subjects such as loss, relationships, and the nature of being.

The poems also play with ideas, with language and with images, placing them in surprising combinations and juxtapositions that command the reader’s attention. The ordinary and the everyday take on a heightened significance. David Brooks, in his blurb on the back cover, says: ‘You could give him five ordinary things on a table top and he would show you just how to place them, to let in the pleasure and the wonder.’

There is music here, too, not only in the many references and allusions to musicians from jazz artists to Dylan to Cage and more, but also in the sounds and rhythms that flow naturally from the mind of a poet for whom music is akin to breathing.

  • Sydney at Brett Whiteley Studio on 27 July with Les Wicks
  • Perth at Mattie Furphy House with Nicholas Hasluck on Sat 2 August at 2-4pm, readings by Anna Maria Weldon, Murray Jennings, Peter Holland and David Hawkes.
  • Wine and nibblies at all events.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Stampede - poem by Karen Knight

The baby rhinos are coming
in their mother’s armoured car.

They’re coming fast,    
muscular and clumsy.

They’re coming with heads of steel and husky roars 
with bellies full of rhino milk.

They’re coming with barbells and boulders
and cumbersome toys.

They’re coming with powerful horns
and big baby teeth.

They’ll flatten the cat flap
with stout little legs,

crash through the front door
like high-pressure hoses.

The furniture has been anchored
throughout the house.

It’s a wild day for toddlers
when every cell is rhino cell.

I may need to move
to higher ground.

Karen Knight
guest poet for the Tasmanian Poetry Festival 2014

Rochford St Press announces the publication of ‘Before Bone and Viscera’ by Robbie Coburn

Blood & VisceraRochford Street Press is proud to announce the release of a new chapbook by young Victorian poet Robbie Coburn. Before Bone and Viscera is is Coburn’s second chapbook and features a cover illustration by Kit Kelen
Robbie Coburn was born in June 1994 in Melbourne and lives in the rural district of Woodstock, Victoria. His first book-length collection of poetry Rain Season (Picaro Press) was published in 2013 and he is well into a second book titled the other flesh. Before Bone and Viscera is his eagerly awaited second chapbook. He has also recently finished writing an autobiographical novella, A Day without Me, that he plans to publish in the near future.

His website is:
“Coburn’s new book disturbs & enriches. There is a grace as it sculpts language & meaning… a flensing poignancy underlines these superb poems. This is not an easy book… its ruthless eviscerated clarity & honesty scar the eye.” – Les Wicks
Before Bone and Viscera lifts the voice of Australian poetry into new territory. Robbie Coburn tears away all you think you know to reveal these poems; naked in their lyrical and surreal simplicity they unearth the anatomy and geography of poetic imagination. To read these poems is to get your hands into the blood and guts of life itself.” – Nathan Hondros
“An intense, at times disturbing, emotional journey employing a surreal, fetishist use of the human body reminiscent of the painter, Francis Bacon.” - S.K. Kelen

Friday, July 11, 2014

Inside the Paris Home of a Founding Father of Electronic Music - Pierre Henry

PARIS — Pierre Henry, aged father of electronic music, lives in a small house that also serves as his studio, in the twelfth arrondissement of Paris. I recently went there with a small group of people to hear one of his magnificent musique concrète concerts that he performs live from his studio mixing board. It was an incredible and rare experience, similar in audio effect to his Intérieur/extérieur CD that contains the concert series Pierre Henry chez lui (“Pierre Henry at his place”) organized by the Festival d’Automne in Paris in 1996.
Speakers had been intricately placed throughout the different floors of the small house, and we took up seated positions among them so as to better get immersive satisfaction from this master’s mind-blowing art music. Comfortably seated, my eyes could not but help but wander over the walls, many of which were covered in Henry’s artworks, rather complexassemblages of existing objects and images. The art on the walls matched the structural conditions of his music perfectly, as it too is an art that is assembled from recorded sounds and noises, woven together into a (somewhat) coherent flowing whole. This is an art of sound montage and mixing. A lot of mixing: take for example Henry’s “La dixième symphonie de Beethoven” (1979–1988), where he mixes together some extracts from nine symphonies of the German composer.
Read on (with wild illustrations!) at HERE 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Haiku Issa

on the hoe's handle
a nightingale sings...
Little-Plum village

Issa - 1811

kuwa no e ni uguisu naku koume mura

Little-Plum village was located near Edo (today's Tokyo) on the Sumida River. See Maruyama Kazuhiko, Issa haiku shû (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1990; rpt. 1993) 97, note 451.

Oh, this says so much to me! Andrew

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Miles Davis biopic - in the Making!

Actor Don Cheadle’s obsession with Miles Davis began as a child with the jazz trumpeter’s album Porgy and Bess, a beloved staple of his family’s music collection.Now, Cheadle will make his feature film directorial debut with a crowdfunded biopic on Davis that will focus on the musician’s transition into music after a five-year hiatus—otherwise known as his “silent period”—and tumultuous relationship with first wife Frances Taylor Davis.

In an EW exclusive of the actor in character, Cheadle gave fans a first look at his interpretation of the icon during in the period leading up to his 1969 jazz-rock fusion recording In a Silent Way. “It’s surreal,” says the 49-year-old House of Lies actor, who in the photograph totes a trumpet and sports Davis’ trademark jheri-curled mullet.
The biopic—which will co-star Ewan McGregor, Michael Stuhlbarg and Emayatzy Corinealdi—begins shooting this week in Cincinnati after being in development for nearly a decade. Cheadle spoke to EW about the independent film—which he co-wrote—and shared details about how he was approached by the Davis family to profile the prodigious talent, why he turned to jazz heads to crowdsource funding, and explained why he’s set on making a movie that Davis himself “would want to star in.”

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Fun of being a Poet

A Poetry Daily Prose Feature:

"To be a poet: it is a grave and austere responsibility, is it not? Well, yes and no. If you've been pondering Shelley, Arnold, Rilke, Eliot, Akhmatova, Hart Crane, Plath, Celan, Adrienne Rich, or Geoffrey Hill recently, you perhaps feel it is—but even those intensely dissatisfied and sometimes desperate poets must sometimes have felt shots of sheer joy in knowing themselves to be poets and participating in the great endless dialogue of poetry. Perhaps no important poet has more consistently acknowledged the manifold pleasures of the vocation than Kenneth Koch (1925-2002). Throughout his amazingly, indeed almost bizarrely various poetry,  we can always hear Koch's charismatic voice urging us not to deny the fun in poetry—the fun in writing it, reading it, arguing about it, daydreaming about it, knowing it is in the world."

Monday, July 07, 2014

Faiz’s poem among world’s 50 greatest love poems

I didn't make the cut :-) Perhaps I'm not the loving kind!

The list of the 50 greatest love poems of the last 50 years in full: 
Michael Donaghy (USA) – The Present
Naomi Shibab Nye (Palestine) – Shoulders
Philippe Jaccottet (France) – Distances
Tadeusz Rozewicz (Poland) A Sketch for a Modern Love Poem
Billy Collins (USA) Night Club
Nazim Hikmett (Turkey) Things I didn't know I loved
Margaret Atwood (Canada) Variations on the Word Love
Mutsuo Takahashi (Japan) Dove
Anna Swir (Poland) Thank-you, My Fate
Lawrence Bradby (England) - If Your Faith in Me Should Fail
Mary Oliver (USA) – Wild Geese
Anat Zecharaya (Israel) –A Woman of Valour (Trans Hebrew)
Karlis Verdins (Latvia) – Come to Me (Trans Latvian)
Doina Ioanid (Romania)The Yellow Dog (Trans Romanian)
Ana Ristovic (Serbia)– Circling Zero – (Trans Serbian)
Katharine Kilalea (South Africa)You were a bird
Ted Hughes (England) Lovesong
Kim Addonizio (USA) – You Don't Know What Love Is
Kim Hyesoon (Korea) – A Hole (Trans from Korean)
Choman Hardi (Iraqi Kurdistan) Summer Roof
Carolyn Kizer (USA) Bitch
Nina Cassian (Romania) Lady of Miracles
Ashjan Al Hendi (Saudi Arabia) In search of the Other
Don Paterson (Scotland) My Love
Edwin Morgan (Scotland) – Strawberries
Chinua Achebe (Nigeria) Love Song (for Anna)
Muriel Rukeyser (USA) Looking at Each Other
Linton Kwesi Johnson (England/Jamaica) Hurricane Blues
Tracy K Smith (USA) Duende
Warsan Shire (England/Somalia) for women who are difficult to love
Frank O'Hara (USA) – Having a Coke With You
Adrian Mitchell (England) Celia Celia
Jackie Kay (Scotland) – Her
Maya Angelou (USA) – Come. And Be My Baby
Kutti Revathi – (India) Breasts
Sujata Bhatt (India) – Love in a Bathtub
Annabelle Despard (Norway) Should You Die First
Alice Oswald (England) – Wedding
Valzhyna Mort (Belarus) Love
Nikola Madzirov (Macedonia) - When Someone Goes Away Everything That's Been Done Comes Back
Iman Mersal (Egypt) – Love
Sinead Morrissey (Ireland) Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Kei Miller (Jamaica) Epilogue
Faiz Ahmed Faiz (Pakistan) Before You Came
WS Merwin (USA) In Time
Arundathi Subramaniam (India) Prayer
Yves Bonnefoy (France) A stone
Ko Un (South Korea) Snowfall
Amjad Nasser (Jordan) A Song and Three Questions
Vikram Seth (India) All You who Sleep Tonight

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Tasmanian Poetry Festival Program launch

Karen Knight and self at the Grand Launch of
Saturday 5th July
in Launceston -
Compered by Festival Director
Cameron Hindrum
(and delicious tucker by Yevonne)

Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Tomorrow evening's book launch of 'ONE HOUR SEEDS ANOTHER' starts at 5,30 for 6pm and not 7pm as I said before.

Please do come along to the Hobart Bookshop and share the evening with Walleah Press, the bookshop, Lyn Reeves, Philomena and I! Wine and nibbles to celebrate :-)