Pics: Michelle Cahill, poet; Ken Hudson and Neil Pattinsen, poets; Liana Christensen, compere
Last night I dragged my flesh'n'bones down to Clancy's Fish Bar in Freo for VOICEBOX - a special 2011 WA Spring Poetry Festival reading by Michelle Cahill, John Daniels, Jennifer Compton and Geoff Lemon. There was alsoT.Zachary Cotler a young USA poet-in-residence at Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre (locally known as simply KSP).
What a lively lovely venue that is! We had quite a crowd - they were there for the poetry and the bar, no doubt. Among the crowd was a list that would make a great reading of its own: Josephine Clark, Marcus John, Janet Jackson, Elio, Annamaria Weldon, Peter Jeffery, Kenneth Hudson, Neil Pattinson, Anna, Chris Arnold, Gary de Piazzi, Zan Ross, Coral Carter, Julie Watts, Helen Hagemann, Richard A., Rachael Petrides ... If I've missed anyone out, my apologies.
Here's a bit about Zachary ...
Zachary Cotler
T. Zachary Cotler is the author of House with a Dark Sky Roof (Salt, 2011). His poems and fiction appear widely in magazines in the US and UK. In 2006, he was awarded the Amy Clampitt Fellowship. He’s a founding editor of The Winter Anthology, an international, online collection of 21st century literature, http://www.winteranthology.com
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