Writer-in-residence at Mattie
Furphy House

Peter Bishop,
former Creative Director of Varuna, the Writers’ House
But which way is forwards?
It’s a question that plagues a writer throughout a writing project.
There’s an answer: If you keep creatively in touch with the fundamentals of your project –the constellation of things that made it all begin to happen– you’ll find you’re going forward.
Peter Bishop has thought about these things for 17 years as Creative Director of Varuna –The Writers’ House. He’s shortly to launch an independent program, The Writer Conversation, focused on working with writers through Writers’ Centres and creating new opportunities for writers.
In his workshops during his residency, Peter invites you to rediscover the generative strength of the roots of your project. You may have been at it for years, or you may only just be getting serious. These workshops will be invaluable in strengthening the structure and understanding of your work on your project.
We’ll work with the individual words, phrases and images that take us into the heart of your beginnings. As preparation, think of a single word that keeps coming to you in connection with your project. And think about the place the writing comes from –the moment you knew this was the project.
The workshops will be held in two separate groups:
But which way is forwards?
It’s a question that plagues a writer throughout a writing project.
There’s an answer: If you keep creatively in touch with the fundamentals of your project –the constellation of things that made it all begin to happen– you’ll find you’re going forward.
Peter Bishop has thought about these things for 17 years as Creative Director of Varuna –The Writers’ House. He’s shortly to launch an independent program, The Writer Conversation, focused on working with writers through Writers’ Centres and creating new opportunities for writers.
In his workshops during his residency, Peter invites you to rediscover the generative strength of the roots of your project. You may have been at it for years, or you may only just be getting serious. These workshops will be invaluable in strengthening the structure and understanding of your work on your project.
We’ll work with the individual words, phrases and images that take us into the heart of your beginnings. As preparation, think of a single word that keeps coming to you in connection with your project. And think about the place the writing comes from –the moment you knew this was the project.
The workshops will be held in two separate groups:
GROUP ONE will meet from 2 pm – 5.30 pm on Saturday 3
December and Saturday 10th December,
GROUP TWO will meet from 2 pm –5.30 pm on Sunday 4
December and Sunday 11 December.
Maximum number at each workshop: 8.
Cost: $50 for two sessions, either group
Cost: $50 for two sessions, either group
Dates for these TBA but the times available will be:
Cost: $25 for one hour
On the Wednesday night, Peter Bishop will tell you about some of the opportunities that will be available for writers through The Writer Conversation. As Creative Director of Varuna, Peter travelled three times round Australia to create the Macquarie Group Foundation LongLines Program. To experience the work of writers in so many very different environments was a succession of revelations. The Writer Conversation builds on this program and the exciting sense of a writing community that is still growing from it.
Free event
ALL EVENTS will be held at Mattie Furphy House in the Bush Heritage
Precinct next to Allen Park, Kirkwood Road, Swanbourne WA. If you wish to book
for a workshop, an individual consultation, or
The Wednesday Night, please contact the Fellowship of
Australian Writers Western Australia (FAWWA) by phone 9384 4771, by email at admin@fawwa.org.au
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